The Students Who Need To Go Student Affairs
The students below need to go student affairs. Otherwise they will have problem about spring term course selection 1) Kadriye KARAKAN 2) Asker TURGAY 3) Melike DEMİRKIRAN 4) Ömer Faruk EROĞLU 5) Merve ÇAĞDAŞ 6) Seda Ahu ÖZUFACIK 7) Sena BEKERECİOĞLU 8) Murat BULUT
For The Attention Of 1. Grade Students
The second midterm of the "BES101 Beslenme İlkeleri I" lesson is on 21 December 2015, at 09:00 am, at class HEAS309 and HEAS310
To Attention Of 1. Grade Students
"BES101 The Principles of Nutrition I" course is going to start at 08:40, at HEAS308 class, on 24 November 2015.
For The Attention Of Undergraduate Transfers Tudents And Vertical Transfer Students
You should check your lesson registration from OBS and report to your advisor teacher if there is any problem.